The following bug was fixed in time for today's branch nightly:
- Bug 314374 - "Delete..." is enabled in certificates dialog when nothing is selected
The following bug was fixed in time for today's branch nightly:
The following bugs were fixed in time for today's branch nightly:
The following bugs were fixed in time for today's branch nightly:
It seems no one posted about the Camino pre-1.0 party that took place on September 28...
While Mike Pinkerton was in Mountain View to be de-eviled by Google, several of the Camino team got together to celebrate the upcoming 1.0 release. Of course, we hope to have a post-1.0 party as well, also in Mountain View. A picture is below.
The following fixes were made in time for today's branch nightly:
The following bug was fixed in time for today's nightly:
The following bug received a partial fix in time for today's nightly:
In preparation for Camino 1.0 beta 1, only checkins that fix Camino (or branch) topcrashers and minor bug fixes will be allowed over the next couple of days.
The following Camino-only fixes were made in time for today's branch nightly:
The following bug fixes were made in time for today's nightly branch release:
The following bugs were fixed in time for today's nightly:
The following fix was made in time for today's nightly:
The following bugs were fixed in time for the 10/9 nightly:
A note about the nightlies: Due to some issues with the machine which builds the nightlies (boxset for those wondering), there was no branch nightly for 10/7 and no trunk nightlies for either 10/6 or 10/7. As of today, 10/8, this should be fixed. Look for the first branch nightly at about 9am PDT.
The following bugs should be fixed in today's (10/6) branch nightly:
La la la... we're back.